Audacity of hope and the forces of destructions.

Friday December 18, 2009 - 10:11:59
Super Admin
Thursday, December 3, 2009 “AKA” Somali 9/11 as painful as it came to be, it was supposed to be a day of joy and the beginning of new life for young professions that were graduating unfortunately, the never ending battle of goodness and evil had shape this day to mark it otherwise and showed the two Somalis that exists.

One who’s creating better future for him self and his people under the ruins of a country that have been in civil war for two decades and on the side, those who want to destroy every bit of it, take their lives and innocent civilians in cold blood.


It could have one of the few good news that could have come out of, from the war torn nation in two decades, specially the city of Mogadishu where daily battles have been taking place for two decades. Just like any other graduation event, it was gathering full of graduates, families, friends, university administrators, civilian government officials, and dignitaries from other sectors of the civilian societies simply taking part of a long waited moment. After more then five years attending university in country that is in civil war for twenty years these young professionals were about to graduate, celebrate and start serving their communities. Unfortunately, it was interrupted, yet to determine by a-bomb or suicide bomber that exploded and killed or injured any one near the explosion. Some of the families and friends that came to be part of their loved ones graduations day had to carry their dead or injured bodies out of the hall or run for their life, horrified and devastated.            


It was an outrage and a despicable act of desperation by the loosing parties of the evil forces and they need to be held accountable for their actions. There are absolutely no justifications of this despicable act of being any thing other then a heinous act of war in the form of terror against the Somali people, State and humanity at large. Never should the Somali people forget what happen this day. It was cruelly coordinated and planed attack to inflict maximum death and severe injury to survivors that can only be carried out by terrorist and fanatics who don’t value life even their own.


Any human being who embraces life and rational thinking should condemn this heinous act of war in the form terrorism against innocent people and should deeply be sadden, outraged by the loss of innocent lives as the result of senseless act of terror and should offer their deepest condolence to families, relatives and the people of Somalia. The audacity of this young men and women to never give up hope and to better their lives and help their people even though under worst circumstances will forever live in fact their efforts and determination is the only way for Somalia to extricate itself from anarchy and the end less daily violence. Contrary to their agendas, these ruthless violent people should not discourage us perusing peace for our nation. Our prayers thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones, my Allah help you find patience to overcome this catastrophe. I’m going to conclude with verse from our sacred book, the Holly Qur’an that taught us the value of innocent human life.


"Whosoever kills a human being for other
than manslaughter or mischief in the land,
it shall be as if he has killed all humankind,
and whosoever saves the life of one,
it shall be as if he has saved the life of all humankind".
(Chapter 5, Verse 32)


Abdulkarim H Warsame

Minneapolis, MN USA

Thursday, December 17, 2009

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