Sunday July 05, 2009 - 07:58:20
Super Admin
Since the Somali State had collapsed in january,1991, the destruction which took place was enormous. When Somalia descended into chaos and war- lords who were gangs and mercyless terrorized civilians in Mogadishu, and other parts of the counry, religious people were doing the best they could to save lives.I'm sure they did not expect credit anybody other than God Allmighty

While the War-Lords and their millitias were raping, looting, and brutalizing somali people, religious leaderes had become the life-line of our war- torn country.Their entrepreneurial success had provided jobs and other income generating resources. At the same time they had built schools,hospitals,an orphanage camps. The Social work which they had created went far beyond than many had anticipated or expected. The religious leaders were surely the true heroes for our impovershed and war ravaged country.

When War-lords had moved their families uproad to safey and better education for their childeren, and the same time had terrorized  poor, volnurable and defendless people like elderly , women and children. The Sheikhs had sustained their effort to help those in need.During the same era war-lords struggle for competing power in the form of violence, religious folks were treating their victims in the country.When war-lords fight in our Cities and dine at a hotel room in neighboring capitals, Religious organizations were mediating and traying to make peace between various communities and tribes.In the same token the war-lords gather in Kenya,Jibouti,Ethiopia, and Egypt for fear of each other, religious Scholers were meeting and trusting each other in Somalia for the greater goodness of their people.

After all that hard work which had resulted Somali people's trust, respect and faith on religious Schoolers and their organizations, is it possible today they maight be ruinng it by not compromising and relinguishig power to each other? I hope not! I'm sure somali people expect them better than that .Somalia's citizens are expecting from the  schoolers to be honest and truthfull for what they had breached through-out the cival-war and before. And that was as far as I know, if Shari'a (Islamic law) would have been adopted in Somalia, our country's  problems would have been resolved and lasting peace and justice will be enjoyed.

Well, today many people in and outside  Somalia believe realization of such dream is closer than ever. Somalia is being led by a leader which the West and their friends were chasing down couple years ago. Although his facial appearence had changed his message did not.He repeatedly announced that Somalia will be rulled under the banner of Shari'a.Therefore, any individtual or group who might have difference with him need to understand by Sh. Shariif  making such a statement makes allready a lot people nenvous.So, opposing him if your advocate of sharia is counter - productive.We  need to understand that emplementing sharia requires a lot hard work and knowledgeable staff.  Nothing happens overnight.It appears that Somali people had accepted Islam as a way of life.Therefore,in my oponion anyone who have got the smallest faith in his heart will give chance to  this addministaration.

To the President, Prime -Minister and the members of the cabinet with the help of God and the wisdom and knowledge of the Scholers,Somali people expect you to be honest in putting sharia to work as soon as possible.May Allah assist you in this effort as well. 

To all opposing factions wheather you are Allshabab (The Youth) or Hibul Islam (Islamic Party) or any other gruop, you have to understand for what is at stake.Let me remaind you what I believe are: First, we are closer than ever in impelementing sharia in Somalia for the first time as a legitimate and recognized government.Secondly, Somali people now have faith in Sheikhs (Scholars)and that could be severly damaged or lost for good,specially if things does not go well and you start fighting over power.Thirdly, the International Community who were obisticle to sharia government in Somalia seems to have accepted that Somalia's problems may only be solved through Islam. Specially when piracy affected their busines interests.

The disadvantages or ruing these opporturnites is catstrophic and  are countless. They include: Somali people may regard the Sheikhs as another opporturnistic warlords whom their real aim  was to grab power through religion. And that will be disasters for the Scholers who just have got their first chance to rule Somalia for the fist time since independent. 

Finally, the International Community who were confused with our confilict and are willing to leave the Somali people alone to resolve their differences in the name of stability may think of another options which could be grave and dangerous.Becouse, let me be clear about that, no one will  let Pirates continue in our shores to rob people.We need to understand that we allready lost sovernty over our territorial waters to the World navy and I am afraid we may loose it as a whole. We may be complaining from the foreign trawlers empyting our fish and poverty in general. But we may be endangering to loose independence and that is a price we can not immagine. Remember, all it takes to lose the independence is the Uninted Nations to vote for simple resolution that we are unable as people to run our country,atleast for last twenty years.We should not understamate such scenerio and what can be possible in this crazy World.Entire nations were wiped of the map. And if  you can't govern your territory someone else will govern it for you without your permision.Let us give  peace a chance once more and this administration. Remember,nothing happens overnight.Patience is the core of success. May Allah show us the right path.Amin


By Farah, Farah (Farah Garas)


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